Monday, February 19, 2007

Poached Salmon, low fat - low salt

Low fat / low salt

Feb. 19, 2007

Quick and Easy Poached Salmon

1 or 2 pieces of uncooked salmon (1 lb. ~ 1.5 lbs.)
3 cups of home-made chicken broth
3 bay leaves
lots of coarsely ground black pepper
1 Tablespoon of dried Rosemary
1 Tablespoon of dried Basil
1 Tablespoon of dried Ginger
1 Tablespoon of dried Thyme
2+ Tablespoons of lemon juice
2+ Table spoons of Paprika (thank God for Paprika)

In a large skilled add broth and all dried herbs (up to but not including the lemon juice). Bring to a slow simmer.

Add the salmon skin side down. Give the pan a little swirl to be sure the salmon is not sticking and to coat the top of the salmon with the poaching liquid. Pour the lemon juice over the top / flesh side of the salmon, sprinkle the salmon generously with paprika and some freshly ground pepper (to taste).

Cover the pan and let simmer on low for about 15 minutes.

Check for doneness (I pierce the fish at the thickest point). If a little more time is needed, swirl the pan again, cover and check again in about 5 minutes.

The poaching liquid can be used to add flavor to almost any side dish.

Save any left-overs. The salmon can be fork smashed and added to a can of tuna (or used alone) with some lemon juice and 1 Tablespoon of Mayonnaise (90 mg Sodium, 5 mg Cholesterol) and/or 1/4 of a smashed avocado (0 mg Cholesterol).

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